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FRIDAY, February 14th, 2003 at
TICKETS: $35.00 General Public
/ $26.50 IMAC
| [email protected]
On FRIDAY, February 14th , 2003 at 9PM, the Inter-Media Art Center (IMAC) in Huntington, Long
Island will present a concert with renowned guitarist Leo Kottke.
Leo Kottke is a self-taught guitarist relying, for guidance, on what theory and harmony he’d learned on the
trombone he played as a young child in the Haggard-fabled town of Muskogee, Oklahoma. A solo
performer, relying largely on the 12-string guitar (now the Kottke signature model Taylor 12-string), his
music is difficult to categorize with a multitude of influences ranging from folk to jazz to classical music.
He can be found in any bin at the record store. There is more harmony and rhythm in his music than is
found in traditional folk music. The music, despite its label obscurity, is very vivid stuff, much more
aggressive and rhythmic than what is usually expected from an acoustic guitar.
Truly an entertainer, a major ingredient in his stage presentation is the ability to crack you up. A surprising
blend of brains and dumb luck, a listener might experience the sensation that Kottke has lost it, only to
discover that he’s known where “it” was all along. Kottke has now released over twenty-one recordings.
IMAC is thrilled to welcome this gifted artist back to our stage. Tickets go fast so order early!
for this performance are $35.00 ($26.50 for IMAC Members).
For tickets to this performance, or for other IMAC programs,
call IMAC's 24-hour Arts-Line at (631) 549-ARTS. Tickets can
also be purchased at the theater from noon to 6PM, Tuesdays
to Fridays, and after 2PM on the day of the show. For further
information, call IMAC's business office at (631) 549-9666.
Inter-Media Art Center, Inc. is a non-profit Media and Performing
Arts Center whose programs and services are supported in part
by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts,
a state agency and the Suffolk County Office of Cultural Affairs,
as well as by the Members of IMAC. IMAC also gratefully acknowledges
support from Fleet Bank, Korg, USA, Branch Financial Services
and Olivia and Harlan Fischer. 370 New York Avenue Huntington,
NY 11743-3319
(631) 549-9666 voice (631) 549-9423 fax
[email protected]
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