On Friday, May 7th, 2004 at 9PM, the Inter-Media
Art Center (IMAC) in Huntington, Long Island will present
an evening with blues legend CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE.
Born in Mississippi but living in Tennessee,
music defined “cool” in 1950 Memphis, and Charlie
Musselwhite soaked it all up. Surrounded by music, life
was intense, moving and real. There were gospel tent meetings
in an empty field nearby his house; on another side of town
he discovered and befriended Memphis Jug Band’s Will
Shade and blues icon Furry Lewis. Like so many others in
the deep South, Charlie migrated north to Chicago, hoping
to find a factory job and a better life. Living in the basement
of Delmark Records with Big Joe Williams, he met Muddy Waters,
Howlin’ Wolf and John Lee Hooker. The kings and giants
of Chicago blues accepted him into the clubs and onstage.
Charlie was adopted and he took these influences and ran
with them.
Charlie is known as the undisputed master
of blues harp, but Charlie himself is interested in sound-
international, cross-cultural, modern and classic- because
what inspires him is feeling, and feeling knows no bounds.
Charlie Musselwhite had been selected as the 2003 recipient
of The Howlin' Wolf Award by The Blues Foundation and the
producers of The Chicago Blues Festival. The annual Howlin'
Wolf Award celebrates the migration of the Blues out of
the Delta to Chicago and is named in honor of the late Blues
Pioneer, the legendary Howlin' Wolf. His latest album Sanctuary
takes the listener through the gritty territory of Musselwhite’s
life, opening into personal themes of melancholy and darkness.
Tickets for this performance are $37.50
($28.50 for IMAC Members). For tickets or further information
on this performance, or on other IMAC programs, call IMAC's
24-hour Arts-Line at (631) 549-ARTS. Tickets can also be
purchased at the theater from noon to 6PM, Tuesday through
Friday, 2PM to 6PM on Saturdays and after 2PM on the day
of the performances. For further information, call IMAC's
business office at (631) 549-9666.
The Inter-Media Art Center, Inc. is a non-profit
Media and Performing Arts Center whose programs and services
are supported in part by public funds from the New York
State Council on the Arts (a state agency), Suffolk County
Office of Cultural Affairs, the Town of Huntington, by a
grant from The Harmon Foundation, as well as by the Members
of IMAC. IMAC also gratefully acknowledges support from
Fleet Bank, Korg USA, The Guitar Center, The D’Addario
Foundation for the Performing Arts, AutoOne Insurance, Peconic
Bay Winery, Branch Financial Services and Olivia and Harlan